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SLIIT Emergency Response Procedures - Knowledgebase / General - SLIIT Support Desk

SLIIT Emergency Response Procedures

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SLIIT Emergency Response Procedures

a.     Emergency Contacts: Familiarize yourself with emergency contact numbers available across campus. In case of emergencies, contact campus security immediately. Refer Courseweb link -

b.     Evacuation Procedures: Follow the evacuation procedures in case of fire or any other emergency. Use designated exits and refrain from using elevators during an evacuation.

c.     Natural Disasters: During natural disasters (flood, etc.), follow the emergency instructions provided by campus security.

d.     First Aid Stations: Be aware of the locations of first aid stations and medical facilities on campus. In case of an injury, immediately report to the first aid station.

Refer Courseweb link for more information

Fire Safety Protocol

a.     Fire Alarms: If a fire alarm is activated, evacuate the building calmly and swiftly. Do not attempt to extinguish large fires by yourself; leave that to trained personnel.

b.     Fire Exits: Keep fire exits clear at all times. Do not block or tamper with fire extinguishers or fire exit signs. Report Hazards: Report any fire hazards such as blocked exits, faulty electrical equipment, or flammable materials to campus security.