What is Prorata Registration?
Prorata registration is the registration granted to a student who has not completed the requirements to proceed to the next year of study. He/she will have to repeat the respective failed modules and satisfy the required progression criteria to proceed to the next academic year.
When will Prorata Registration open?
Prorata registration is usually opened along with the latter part of the regular semester registration. Faculty based prorata registration notices will be published on Courseweb.
How to apply for Prorata Registration?
- During the registration period, the Online Prorata Registration form will be available in http://study.sliit.lk/ portal
- Prorata module fees would be applicable
- For students with regular semester registrations, the applicable registration fee per module, the fee is a prorated flat fee and will be published in the relevant Course web notice
- For students without a regular semester registration, the applicable registration fee per module will be published in the relevant Courseweb notice
- Those who have obtained pass marks in CA in the Validity Period will be allowed to carry forward the marks under prorate registration and attempt the end semester examination only. CA validity period will be available on the notice.
- Those who do not have valid CA marks will have to repeat the entire module under prorate registration.